The Oil
Painting Reproductions is
very popular in the world, more and more countries found painting is high value,
in China, the oil market have matured. A large number of well-educated and has
a new concept of art lovers began to enter the collector ranks, if you are not
a collection of famous or just getting started in the painting collection of
the ranks, I hope this article will help you. First: buy oil paintings you
should know the painter painters painting as it mentioned in the so-called
Chinese paintings, oil paintings and to pronounce a work you can read of a good
grounding in his paintings. Attitude, and his favorite painting, generally be
able to feel the feelings of his creations. Good on the basis of works of art
workers must be impeccable.
Second: Good work should have an independent right to
speak, an independent creative style and expression can convey more information
see the work itself, rather than the introduction or background to contrast.
Cleverly expressed, the screen does not impose a vision more ideas. Third: the
good works will be communicated to you more cultural sense of belonging, with
their cultural elements, not art be subordinated to commercial, subject to the
custom. Because the culture is not imitation, excessive dependency style of
foreign elements, a compromise is very difficult long-term foothold in the
Fourth: The artist must be quiet and insisted that
wisdom, seriously, he needs inner adhere to the firm and the arts. The face of
the collectors and the public opinion that need to have their own insistence.
Fifth: the good works will surely be your heart be touched and your visual
shock, one can move you and the work of others, you are looking for a
masterpiece! Oil painting collection requires a keen appreciation, I believe
you must be able to find your favorite masterpiece. So, I believe these five
tips will bring you a new idea for painting collection, if you got this tips
well, you will find your favorite oil paintings rightly!