
Clear Plastic Folding Boxes Can Meet Your Packing Need

You will see this in many of our brochure displays, racks, counter displays, donation Clear Plastic Folding Boxes and point of purchase displays. They are formulated to filter ultraviolet energy in the 360-nm and lower band. Other acrylic formulations are opaque to UV light or provide reduced UV transmission. And how about mechanical properties? Although not known for having many, acrylics can be used for short-term loading. If the intended use is long-term, stresses must be limited to 1,500 psi to avoid surface cracking and deterioration.
Acrylic does well in the cold, as the impact resistance of standard formulations is maintained in these conditions. It should be noted that high-impact acrylic grades have greater impact strength than standard grades at room temperature, but impact strength decreases as temperature drops. Some types of acrylic are even known to resist bullets! Acrylic plastics are highly scratch resistant, especially among other thermoplastics. It's a good idea, however, to ensure proper maintenance and cleaning.
Keep in mind that abrasion-resistant acrylic sheet is available and has the same optical and impact properties as standard grades. This brings up a good point - its versatility and adaptability. Are you aware that Jet-aircraft cabin windows are made from acrylic sheet? They do this by inducing molecular orientation during forming. This proves the potential strength of acrylic sheet. How do they react to other chemicals and compounds? Acrylic sheet and moldings resist solutions of inorganic acids and alkalies and hydrocarbons such as VM&P naphtha, as well as most detergent solutions and cleaning agents.
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